Heirloom Quality Amish Built Rustic & Log Furniture for Your Home or Cabin

At Apple Ridge Amish Furniture, our Rustic and Log Furniture carry that feel of the mountains into every room in your home. We achieve functional beauty by combining rough-cut woods with modern hardware. Drawers are made of solid wood with full-extension glides so that your furniture is reminiscent of an earlier time, but functions with 21st-century ease.  Whether you need a dining table that extends to seat an expanding family, or tuck yourself into a four-poster bed and click off the lamp on the slab-front nightstand and settle in for a good night’s sleep, or a comfortable sofa, or chair that has that perfect log cabin feel.  Choose the design that meets your needs and fits your tastes.  Call for an appointmet and let's discuss our selection of Rustic and Log Furniture for your home or your oasis in the mountains


Living Room


furniture customization block main image

APPLE RIDGE AMISH FURNITURE in NORTHVILLE, MI can help you furnish your home with Amazing handcrafted Amish furniture. All of our furniture can be custom built to fit your exact specifications. No matter your style preferences, sizing needs, or color requirements we can help. Our Amish artisans build each piece of furniture to order and use old-world construction techniques like mortise and tenon joinery, and dovetail joints. You can select the wood you would like to use from solid hardwoods like oak, cherry, maple, hickory, and many more. We can help you select the finish that will look best with your wood selection and even color match existing pieces. Select edge profiles that fit existing pieces and styles in your home, and find the perfect hardware to make your furniture truly stand out as your own custom piece. At our Northville, MI furniture store we can help you make all of your selections and have your furniture built to your exact specifications!


This is a sample of the available hardwoods

This is a sample of the many stains that are available







Qtr Sawn





This is a sample of the hardware that is available


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